You can have some toilet humour without having anything gross actually happen by employing a Grossout Fakeout. Humor that involves an actual toilet is often involved in a Potty Emergency (but this Trope often applies there too). Can be played very lightly via Calling Your Bathroom Breaks. Compare Tinkle in the Eye, Nose Nuggets, Road Apples, Urine Trouble, Revolting Rescue, and Joke of the Butt. Characters that are Gassholes and most instances of Fartillery are also usually meant for comedic purposes. I Ate WHAT?! is the trope when eating is involved. A Sumerian proverb, dating to 1900 BCE goes "Something which has never occurred since time immemorial a young woman did not fart in her husband's lap." Often toilet humour is used as filler, which results in a Bottom of the Barrel Joke.Īlmost guaranteed in anything with babies in it.īefore anyone tells you humor was cleaner back in the old days, this trope is Older Than Dirt.

In a show which rarely relies on toilet humour, such instances tend to be lampshaded (" Oh, just what this episode needs - a fart joke"). Toilet humour is common on grossout shows and shows with large amounts of Black Comedy, but is not restricted to them. e.g What did the Pirate find in the ship toilet? The Captain's Log. You could say it is the "cleaner counterpart". Toilet humour is related to Vulgar Humor.

People falling into manure is good for a laugh across all age groups. On the other hand, when toilet humour is mixed with Slapstick, the result is generally viewed as humourous. It is very popular with young children, but as they grow up, they tend to find greater amusement in more witty jokes (at least, most of them do), and toilet humour is generally regarded with great dislike from the eyes of the mature audience. Simply put, toilet humour comprises jokes about urine, feces (human or otherwise), bums, fannies, willies, other naughty bits, fluids, farts and the immolation of them, boogers, bodily functions, and various other yucky stuff.